Google Friendly Website Basics

How To Keep Your Website Google Friendly

With the increasing volume of Google algorithms being introduced to filter and sift a good website from a bad one, it’s never been easier to incur an accidental ranking penalty.

The majority of penalties are controlled automatically using algorithms, so they are not ‘penalties’ as such, it’s just that your site doesn’t not meet Google’s demanding expectations.

In addition to algorithmically induced penalties, Google also applies manual penalties which are much more serious for you, the website owner.

If you reach the stage where Google task a real human being to analyse your site for violations, you can expect to be dropped from their listings in totality.

Google Website Expectations

Google wants to be able to show a list of relevant, high quality results that will be useful for their users.

Your challenge as a website owner is to dial your site into Google’s ideal result without exceeding any of the tolerances which they apply to each site…. don’t know what the minimum and maximum limits are? DeehoSEO Learn SEO Tutorials will teach you everything you need to know to understand how your website works and how to get the best Google friendly performance from your website and SEO efforts.

For each measurable, there are ideal limits, keyword density on page, backlink anchor text and link ratios. Professionally built backlinks will transform your rankings and website traffic. Get quality Google Friendly Backlinks from OWL One Way Links and take your business to the next level.

In addition Google have a series of yes no filters that you either pass or fail. These include; page load speed, duplicate content, link farm associations, mobile compatibility and paid link associations.

If your site fails to meet minimum expectation for any of these filters, you won’t climb online in SERPs or rank very well if at all.

If you are confident that your site passes all of these basic requirements, then ranking issues can be improved by building natural, organic, backlinks from trusted, related content.

Google rankings are a massive popularity contest and the sites with the most authoritative, trustworthy and reputable links will win out every time and climb online. Ask SEO³ website optimization specialists about their link building process and find out they can help you to succeed online.

Keep up with Technology

Mobile friendliness is an important metric for you as well as Google. In the last few years, we have changed our browsing habits. Year on year, smartphone and tablet use has been growing and is now over the 50% point.

This means that a non mobile friendly site, that displays a web page identical to that on a PC screen will be difficult to use for phone browsers, with links and navigation that is hard to select accurately and that often needs to be zoomed in on to allow it to work properly.

However, updating your site doesn’t have to be expensive, a Low Cost CRWD responsive web design will allow your site to automatically display simplified mobile friendly content depending on the screen size being used by your visitors.

Making your site responsive doesn’t need to be expensive and will allow you to reach and sell to the 50%+ of surfers that currently can’t access your products, services and offerings.

Wherever you want to get to with your website development, it is critical as a website owner that you have a firm grip on how your website works, what makes it function and how it generates new business for you. Online SEO training from will give you all the knowledge that you need.